Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Donald Trump for President

Have you been listening to any of Donald Trump’s interviews?  Look, I don’t really think he would ever get elected, but having said that, I’ve got to say, his message is pretty simple.  Let’s put America back into its Leadership role.

In UndercoverWear, I have a saying.  “He who pays, controls”.  For example, if UndercoverWear corporate is paying for a meeting in a specific area, then UndercoverWear pretty much dictates the guidelines.  If a Divisional Leader is paying and invites a Corporate Speaker, then the Leader dictates the guidelines.

The same philosophy takes place socially.  If we are invited to dinner, our hosts decided the restaurant, the wine etc.  Even if our host asks us to choose the wine, we always choose a moderately priced wine, why? Because we’re not paying.
If the host prefers white wine, we acquiesce.  Why?  Because he who pays, controls.

In the United States, we seem to have abandoned that philosophy.  We are paying so much and controlling so little.

Trump said 2 things that really made me listen.

1.      The United States is paying to build China and the OPEC countries.  While they grow, our debt increases.
2.      We should take care of our citizen’s first --not other countries.

While many have said that Mr. Trump sounds like a “bully”, it’s pretty clear to me that being Mr. Rodgers in a world full or Rambo’s doesn’t work.   What really frosts my cookies is when so many Hollywood movie stars denounce our country.  Has it occurred to anyone that:

A.     This is where they made their money.
B.     If they don’t like it here --move!!!!!

WJJ and I have traveled literally around the world.  Some of my favorite destinations are: 

1.      Italy
2.      Egypt
3.      Istanbul
4.      Vienna
5.      Monte Carlo
6.      New Zealand

Having said that, I wouldn’t want to live in any other Country.  The degree of every day luxuries we have here, as compared to other places, is remarkable.  The extent of our Freedom is extraordinary.   We protect criminals, aliens, foreigners and of course the rights of every American citizen.

As I said earlier, I don’t know if Donald Trump has a shot in Hell of becoming President. Despite the fact that he is enormously successful in business and I believe can turn this Country around economically, I’m not sure I would vote for him.

Jury is still out.

But, I will say, it was truly refreshing for me to hear someone say, Hey world --get a clue --we protect you --we help you financially --and we deserve and expect some --

So that’s my political statement of the day.  What say you?


  1. I believe if things keep going like they are, he may have a shot. Each day everyone is getting more and more tired of feeling railroaded! Good thoughts Tiffany!
