Monday, February 27, 2012

The Facelift...Part 2

Dear Beauties,

By now, Tiffany James has probably told you that I’ve had a face lift. If you haven’t heard, then you’re probably the only person in North America that doesn’t know.

But, it’s actually much more than just a face lift. Frankly, I’ve had EVERYTHING redone – a complete makeover!

Yes, from head to toe – you’re about to see an entirely new ME!

Initially, I was a little embarrassed to tell anyone, but leave it to Tiffany to tell the world!

When I met with my team of professionals, they were really nice, but were in total agreement that I definitely needed lots of work done!

It was team leader, Jamie, who said it best, “Ms. UndercoverWear, you’re still really beautiful. However, in most cases, you look tired, a little run down and just older. It’s just not the same look you had when you were younger.” He continued, “but don’t you worry, Ms. UndercoverWear, this great team can fix all that. In a few weeks you’re going to look fresh, young, energetic! It’s going to be a whole new YOU!”

Some of my friends said, “Oh Ms. U (that’s what I’ve asked them to call me), you don’t need a thing! You look great for your age.”

Well, that’s not exactly what I wanted to hear. Great “for my age” doesn’t work in my business. Day in and day out, I compete with the young and dynamic. 

Frankly, I know I still have what it takes to be FABULOUS!  But obviously, my inner youth didn’t quite match up to my appearance. So, after speaking to my makeover team, I said “Damn it, I’m going to do it. I trust you. Make me the BEST again!”

After they left, I was excited but also a little nervous. I suddenly began having second thoughts. I mean I’ve been around a long time and many people love me just the way I am – maybe I shouldn’t change.

Then guess who came to visit?  Yes, Tiffany.

And we all know Tiffany. She said, “Okay, Ms U, we’ve been together forever and I love you just the way you are. But – and this is a big BUT – if we’re being honest, we both know you really do need some work done.”

 “We’ve been through so many changes together” she continued, “first you were girly and frilly; then you were prim and proper. We’ve been down the road of romantic and recently, just a little too risque. During each phase, I knew you were exactly where you were supposed to be, but now it’s time. No more being ‘beige.’ No more old and tired.”

Tiffany told me it was time to once again stand out and “be exactly who you are meant to be!” She helped me see that change is difficult, but it’s also good, because change is the first step to growth.

“So, I’m agreeing with the team,” Tiffany said with her confident smile that always inspires me, “Yes, Ms. U. You really do need to get back in shape and look your best.  I’m only telling you this because I love you so much!” 

Then, of course, we both cried and popped open a bottle of Dom Perignon. We toasted the soon to be “new me” – a toast I’ll never forget.

So I did it! The first few days were much more difficult than anticipated. Whew… I’m glad it’s over, but the bandages are still on. In just a few short days, I’ll be ready to show the world what we’ve all been waiting for – the NEW Ms. U.

 Stay tuned, beauties…I can’t wait to show you!


Ms.  U

P.S. I hope you realize when you say my name out loud, you hear “Miss You!” Of course, I planned it that way – I’m so damn smart AND wait ‘til you see how cute!

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