Sunday, January 1, 2012

New Year's Resolutions

Happy New Year! 

It’s the time of year when we look back and reflect on everything that’s transpired in the last 365 days. Like most people, I’ve experienced both sadness and great joy. I’ve laughed loudly and cried deeply. But as I teach others, a feeling of gratitude should, accompany every tear you shed as a result of personal loss, because your life has been touched by someone special.

So, once again it’s the beginning of a New Year and it’s time to make those New Year’s Resolutions. Unlike most people who merely make a list, I usually end up creating an entire book with chapters, footnotes and comments, etc. And in the 40+ years I’ve kept this annual “diary,” whether I was 115 pounds or 135 pounds, my first goal was always, “lose 10 pounds.”

Several years ago, my sister Chris found about 15 years worth of these “diaries” of goals. She perused them all and found the same “lose weight” goal in every one! She literally threw them all in the trash and said, “if you haven’t lost the weight in 15 years, what makes you think you’re going to do it now?” Good Point.

This is also the time of year when friends and relatives call asking my counsel on how they should proceed in their jobs, relationships or some other facet of their lives. My response is always the same – if you’re happy with what you’re doing AND reaching all your goals, then keep doing exactly what you’re doing. If you’re NOT happy with what you’re doing OR not reaching all your goals, then something has to change – either adapt your approach or your goals. You should probably read that one a couple of times.

Yes, as you enter 2012, you really should start thinking about your life and ensuring that you are really happy with the journey you’re on.
As I’ve said often, life is not a spectator sport – play to win!

Wishing you love, warmth, good health, comfort, joy and prosperity this New Year! Happy 2012!

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