Monday, June 20, 2011

Obedient Wives Club

My husband got all excited the other day when he read the article, “Serve and Entertain Urge Obedient Wives.” The story was about a new bride – 22 year-old Ummu Atirah – who believes she knows the secret to a blissful marriage. The secret: “Obey your husband and ensure he is sexually satisfied.”

Okay, before all the men in North America start loudly cheering, Ummu and some 800 other Muslim women in Malaysia have started the Obedient Wives Club. Ironically, Malaysia is one of the most modern and progressive Muslim majority nations – many Malaysian Muslim women hold high posts in government and the corporate world.  

So, this Club feels it can cure social ills such as prostitution and divorce by teaching women to be submissive and keep their men happy in the bedroom. One of its founders, Royayah Mohammad said the following; “Sex is a taboo in Asian society.  We have ignored it in our marriage, but it’s all down to sex.  A good wife is a good sex worker to her husband. What is wrong with being a whore…to your husband?” She continued, “disobedient wives are the cause for upheaval in the world,” because she says men are not happy at home and their minds and souls are disturbed.

I don’t even know where to start. Boy, if I were a man, I’d be really ticked at this Club because it basically states that men are morons and women can control their every mood and move by simply having sex with them. I’m a believer that you can have a rotten marriage and good sex, but you can NEVER have a fabulous marriage and bad sex, but I also certainly don’t think that men are thinking about sex every moment of every day.

Let’s at least suggest that he’s thinking about food 10% of the day and watching sports 20% of the day – not even YOU in stilettos can get him away from that TV! Do you think that perhaps his children give him joy or maybe, just maybe, he enjoys his job?! 

I certainly know the importance of sex in a relationship. My mother taught me at a very young age (before I even really knew what she meant), that with men, “when they’re hard, they’re soft and when they’re soft, they’re hard.” If you need explanation, it’s you can get what you want when your man wants to have sex.

There’s an old saying, “men want the woman they marry to be a chef in the kitchen, a lady in the living room and a whore in the bedroom.” This proves sex is an important part of most men’s thinking. Remember the old adage, “the way to a man’s heart is through his stomach”? Well, my husband says that’s totally wrong…he says that’s about six 6 inches too high.   

So, we’re all in agreement that men and sex go hand-in-hand. However, the notion of a man wants a woman to be totally submissive in every aspect of their relationship and rely solely on sex to “connect” is ridiculous. It’s an insult to men. I truly believe men have more depth than that – they, like a woman, that loves and respects them, can make them laugh and can hold them close in bad times. Men want a companion, friend and, of course, a lover. But isn’t that what women want as well?

The only good thing that I took out of this article was trying to find a way to introduce the Obedient Club to UndercoverWear. Just think how much product I could sell – or better yet, how many I could convince to become UndercoverWear Agents – so much for obedience!

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