Monday, November 28, 2011


Now I realize that lip-gloss is certainly not the most important thing in life. But like many other cosmetic items, it seems that lip-gloss continues to make statements that just aren’t true.

So many glosses guarantee that they will “last forever”.

So let me ask you, “Have you ever bought lip-gloss that actually lasted as long as it claims?

Bet I know your answer.

Every time I buy new lip-gloss, I say to myself “this is it! I’ve finally found the lip gloss that is going to last!” And in an hour, I’m re-applying. Fooled again.

What’s with all these “lip tools” now anyway? Plumper, stain, shine, and even diamonds? Why do I want diamonds on my lips? I much prefer those around my neck!

More importantly, why do I want to stain my lips? Like it’s not hard enough guessing which color will match my complexion, now I have to work up the courage to actually stain my lips? And then I have to pray that I’ve chosen the right color! And of course I could be wrong.  May not be right?

…No thanks.

And all this in pursuit of a lip-gloss that actually will last --but not be permanent.  No tattooing my lips. Nope, not my forte.

Shopping for lip-gloss, stain, shine, whatever you may call it, has taught me two things….
  1. It’s not going to last 6 hours like they claim.
  2. Who ever is doing the advertising for these companies – makes me believe that it will last…every time!
Now I want to know if perhaps you have found the perfect lip-gloss.  Or maybe you know the secret to having it last.  Let me know.

Monday, November 21, 2011


The “First Thanksgiving" – as we call it in America – was celebrated by the Pilgrims to thank God for guiding them safely to the New World. This celebration was said to have lasted three days – providing food for 13 pilgrims and 90 Native Americans.  We don’t really know if turkey was actually served…it’s believed that the feast consisted of fish, wild fowl (duck, geese, venison…possibly turkey), berries, fruit, corn, squash, pumpkin, barley and wheat. Isn’t it remarkable that the menu was very similar to today’s traditional faire? But enough with the history lesson.

Thanksgiving is a day of togetherness – family, friends and acquaintances join hands to celebrate shared love and kindness. Of course it’s about “eating too much,” but it’s much deeper than that. It’s about giving thanks, being grateful for all that we have, all that we are and all that we experience.

Last summer, my sisters and I met two young gals (ages 16 and 26) at a California hotel’s swimming pool. They were both beautiful! The elder of the two, Alexandra, had an infectious smile and no hair. Naturally, we started chatting and learned Alexandra had stage 4 brain cancer. Alexandra lived locally, but brought her sister to the hotel for an overnight stay to spend “one-on-one” time with her. They also have a 12-year-old sister – she too has cancer.

Can you imagine having 3 daughters – two with cancer, one of which didn’t have much time left with us?

We so enjoyed their company that we invited them to spend the day in our cabana with us. We reminded them to reapply sunscreen, and Alexandra joked, “Why what will happen – do you think I’ll get cancer?” They were reluctant to accept our lunch offer at first, but you simply don’t win a debate with my sisters and me. So, we shared the afternoon together with non-stop laughter.

The girls also joined us for dinner in the VIP lounge and I continued to learn more about Alexandra. Her father couldn’t cope with the stress of the cancer so he left. She had been fighting this disease for about 9 months – she received chemo in Houston, Texas and she told us with pride that her face adorned all the Cancer Center billboards throughout the state. That didn’t surprise me – she was as beautiful inside as she was outside and so positive on top of it all.

Alexandra is home now – she was in ICU for a month and these are her final days.   I’ve spoken to her many times. I knew my role for my two days with her in California and I wasn’t going to let one dismal moment pass. Since she kept telling me I should be a stand-up comic, I was going to make sure Alexandra laughed and talked about her future – I even taught her how to flirt!

My husband and I returned from our recent trip on Thursday to a simple email from Alexandra, “I just wanted to say hi and I miss you and love you!”

I love you, too, Alexandra. In just two short days, I fell in love with this brave young woman. 

Knowing Alexandra has changed my life forever – she is simply amazing. Absolutely incredible! I feel so blessed that God invited me into her life and for that, I shall be eternally grateful.

Thanksgiving is a time to give thanks – for our blessings and even for those times in life that make us sad. For without sadness in our lives, we haven’t experienced the joy of love and caring.

So this Thanksgiving, please make sure you tell everyone you love how thankful you are to have them in your life. You can rest assured I will.

Happy Thanksgiving to all of you, I am most thankful for your friendship!

Friday, November 18, 2011

Miss Piggy

After more than 12 years hiatus, the Muppets are back on the big screen! Moi’s personal favorite is Miss Piggy – a glamorous gal with a love for all things fabulous…Diamonds, fur, great shoes and even her own little prince – Kermit!

In celebration of Miss Piggy's return to Hollywood and her pursuit of an Oscar, let’s learn from this leading lady and take a look at some of her best pearls of wisdom…

  • There is only one gift you should accept on your first date – diamonds.
  • If you're properly attired, you're hired. And if you're not, I don't care how “Qualified” you may be – it will be a case of “clothes, but no cigar.”
  • Too much exercise can damage your health.
  • I plan to write more books whenever I can find the appropriate writing attire and color-coordinated pen.
  • Technology, Moi must admit, is not Moi's cup of java.
  • The early bird gets the worm – which is what he deserves.
  • Home décor is a matter of personal taste although ill-conceived suggestions from husbands may spoil the overall effect.
  • Plants are like lamps. You plug them in and they turn right on. When they stop working, just unplug them, throw them away and plug in another.
  • When there is something good on TV that everyone is going to watch, the other channels should be courteous and run something like “The History of Socks.”
  • What if you were in Florida without your furs and there is a very quick little ice age?
  • You have to be going to a pretty awful place if getting there is half the fun.
  • Moi has always possessed a charm that is lethal to men.
  • Moi speaks body language fluently, although with a slight French accent.
  • Many people think money is something to be set aside for a rainy day. But honestly, how much money do you really need for a dozen or so hours of inclement weather?
  • Who should ask whom out? As long as he’s paying, who cares?
  • Only time can heal a broken heart, just as only time can heal his broken arms and legs.
  • All my scenes are my own. A double? Impossible! I am unique.
  • The Oscar – is that what they call it? – means nothing to me. After all, one does not labor to shape one's craft just for some tacky statuette that looks like a hood ornament from an old Desoto.
  • There is the satisfaction of providing your public with a vision of true beautology, true sytlisity, - how can I put it? – True glamorositude.
And finally…
  • There is no one on the planet to compare with moi.

Well said – in fact, I couldn’t have said it better Moi’self!
Good luck on your opening weekend – it’s nice to have you back where you belong…

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


This should be an easy topic. After all, our son just turned forty. Having a child turn forty is seriously mind boggling.

In honor of his “Big Day,” I could talk about all Jamie’s great qualities, but those of you who don’t know him would just dismiss them as motherly love.

So, even though I think he is a fine young – and I can still say “young”- man, I won’t make this an hommage to Jamie…just a list of things you might not know about my son.

  1. He was 9lb 10oz at birth.
  2. His real name is Walter John Jamitkowski III.
  3. As a boy, he was diagnosed with Reys Syndrome and almost died.
  4. At 11 years old, he was chosen to be on Tom Bergeron’s show as the prefect student.
  5. That same year, my husband and I were called into the Headmaster’s office because Jamie debated with the faculty about blaming the students for a prank pulled at a dance. Jamie had found his voice! The irony is that he was in Hawaii and never attended the dance. Why he deemed himself the spokes person, is still a mystery.
  6. Jamie was a Boston Celtics Ball Boy for two years during the Bird, Ainge and McHale era. (You can still see him on TV during highlights of the best all time games – look for the kid with really curly bushy hair.)
  7. During his undergraduate days at Ithaca he got a RE license, graduated from bartending school and was a Disc Jockey.
  8. Jamie got a Master’s in Hospitality from Cornell and worked at the Mirage Hotel, Hilton Hawaii Village and Disney.
  9. When he met his now wife Cheryl, he immediately knew she was “the one” for a plethora of reasons. For a short time, Cheryl thought Jamie was a drug dealer. Let her tell you that story
  10. Jamie decided early on that he wanted to be 30 when he married and that is exactly the age he married Cheryl.
  11. Jamie also became President of UndercoverWear that same year. He has successfully introduced new concepts and programs, making us very proud.
  12. Jamie owns a pro wrestling school and hosts wrestling shows throughout the year.
  13. Jamie is a fabulous son, great husband and a phenomenal Dad.

Friday, November 4, 2011

The Boston Red Sox

Have you heard Major League Baseball is considering banning drinking in the clubhouse and dugout because of the bad behavior of the Boston Red Sox?

Reports of two pitchers (both, not scheduled to pitch that evening) left the dugout during a game, filled their cups with Bud Light in the clubhouse and returned to the dugout to watch the game drinking beer. One Sox employee told the media that the pitchers were “bored” on off nights and this is how they entertained themselves.

Can you believe they were drinking during a game…and in the dugout of all places?!

If it’s true – and it has been denied – I’m perplexed on so many levels…

1)      The Players – You may have not been scheduled to pitch, but you were at work. If Terry Francona (the manager) needed them, they would be expected to do their job! Based what we know about the effects of alcohol, I think even a glass or two of beer might slightly diminish the sharpness of their skills. Oh yeah, last I heard, you’re not supposed to drink on the job!

2)      Francona, the Manager – what the Hell was he thinking? Reports say he knew what was going on. He should have put a stop to it. I don’t care if it’s your best pitcher…if he drinks on the job, he’s out of the lineup! That’s right, suspend him.

3)      The owners – Did they accept the “tradition?” Look, I’ve been to Fenway Park, seated in a box next to the owners, in fact. They certainly have a clear picture of what’s going on. How do you own a team and allow this type of childish behavior?

I really try to avoid being judgmental, but in this case, sorry, there’s fault all around the Red Sox organization. “Boys will be boys,” but these men are professional athletes, not college frat boys! Someone should’ve been watching and stopped the nonsense.

Look, I manage a multi-million dollar company (from Hawaii for most of the year). I have an incredibly qualified management team including my own son, but trust me – I know exactly what is going on at UndercoverWear every day.   As the owner, it’s my responsibility to stay in touch with the corporate team and I do so with a “hands on” approach. As my son will tell you, when I don’t like what’s going on, he’s the first to hear about it. 

So, in my opinion the Red Sox made 5 fatal business mistakes:

1)     A losing season. When you win in business, you can often overlook mistakes. The Sox entered into September with the best record in the American League, but they lost 20 out of 27 games that month. They were still one out away from the playoffs and blew that one too! The worst Red Sox season since WWII. So, Francona is gone – the drinking was just the head on the beer!

2)     The owners and front office forgot an important lesson – everyone on a team must stay focused on winning…any diversions bring you one step closer to failure.

3)     No member of a team is bigger or better than the whole. To allow the “ stars” special privileges, is absolutely absurd. They should be leaders, not renegades. Remember, “When you give them an inch, they take a yard?!” Oops!

4)     The Owners didn’t have the right people in the right places. Where was the pitching staff, Francona, the other coaches or even the teammates?

5)     They forgot the basics of functioning in a work environment. The players lost respect and saw themselves as mere athletes, not employees with a job to do. Dumb.

So, now the Red Sox may have ruined it for the rest of the League. All Clubhouse drinking could be banned – including the “celebration” drinking when you achieve a milestone – as a well functioning TEAM. Instead of simply solving the misconduct of the Red Sox hi-jinks, MLB is going to take this to the extreme.

The problem is very simple – most major league team owners/managers are men. Now, let me finish – men are great. Many are fabulous dads who like to play sports and encourage their children. But let’s face it, on a day-to-day basis, it’s we moms that keep the team together. MOMS set the boundaries and enforce the rules – we set the standards and hold the team accountable. MOMS make sure the children behave properly and take action when they don’t.

So, Boston Red Sox, you need MORE MOMS! Better yet, what you need is ME – I am a mom and a pretty successful businesswoman.  Plus, I love baseball. 

So gentlemen, while you may think of me as that “Charming lingerie lady,” UndercoverWear is a big business and it looks like you need a lady leading your team. Those boys would be drinking milk and eating chocolate chip cookies.  Give me a call, I’d be happy to consult.