Monday, September 5, 2011

Hair Update

As you will recall, I went to the beauty salon several weeks ago as a brunette and came out with jet-black hair. I absolutely, positively hated it.  

Last week, I went to a different salon and now have red hair. Before you think, “Oh my gosh, did they mess up again?” Au Contraire! I told her that’s what I wanted. 

Yes, I’ve gone from long black hair to chin length red hair. My husband normally prefers long dark hair, so the day I became a red head, I greeted him at the door in my favorite UndercoverWear items.

He loved my hair, he loved his “treats” and we had a very passionate evening.

One of my friends asked me how I could be so “gutsy” as to completely change my look in one afternoon.  I thought her comment was rather odd – is it “gutsy” to change hair color?

I think tattooing my sleeve might be gutsy…perhaps deciding to have liposuction and a facelift simultaneously might be gutsy…starving myself to get down to 100 pounds might be gutsy. But changing my hair? Seriously, that’s no big deal!

After several hours of processing and “stripping” my hair and a brief moment of concern when I saw bright orange on my head, my level headedness prevailed. Hair is hair – if I hate it, I can change it. Most importantly, hair grows back – it’s not a permanent change.

As most of my UCW Agents know, people who are afraid of change always mystify me.  Change is uncomfortable, but change is growth and change is good.

My husband always puts a price tag on every piece of real estate we own. If someone is willing to “pay the price,” we are out of there! (I often joke that maybe he even has a price tag on me! Boy, I’d be expensive.) Anyway, when people hear we’re always willing to sell (even the home we live in), I’m asked, “What would you do if it sold?”

Ah, another Tiffany truism – I never worry about what may or may not happen. If it sells tomorrow and someone gives us a week, I guess I’d have to start packing.

Life is way too short to put energy into inconsequential things. I’m absolutely not that attached to any material thing – not even our home. Call me crazy, but I know we could be happy anyplace. For those of you who are thinking, “oh sure, you could be happy as long as you’re living in a ‘mansion’ in Hawaii.” Shame on you – you don’t really know me.

We spent a lot of time in a small condo in Florida and we had a ball. I even did my shopping at Winn Dixie where the vehicle of choice was a pick-up truck. Let me tell you, those Southern boys can be pretty darn cute with those tight jeans! (Not that I was looking.)
Just wanted to bring you up to date on the latest Tiffany Hair Saga. But there’s a message in this tale - don’t go through life being “beige.” Take a chance, make a change and most importantly, have fun.

Happy Labor Day!

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