WJJ and I have an arrangement. He does the Costco shopping and I do the Safeway Shopping. For the record, I am the Queen of Safeway. I go there once a week with Safeway card and coupons in hand. I know you’ll find this hard to believe, but I actually have a “master list” of groceries which is 3 pages long. So rather than have to write down what I need, I merely check it off.
I hadn’t been to Safeway in a couple of weeks so my list was fairly lengthy. I happen to absolutely love their “Refreshe” sparkling water. Seriously, if there is a Safeway near you, please get some. My favorite two flavors are Wild Cherry and Orange Cream. There are no calories, no carbs and it’s naturally flavored. You absolutely have to try it!
Anyway aside from my list, Safeway had lots of great sales going on. One in particular was timely. When you spent $50.00 or more you could buy a 16-19 pound turkey (while supplies last) for only $3.99. That’s for the entire turkey. At 16 pounds that $.25 a pound. They also featured 20 - 24 pound turkey for $4.99 which is $.23 a pound. This was a no brainer. As they say, the bigger the better.
So I did all my grocery shopping and waited till the last minute to find my turkey.
There was a really large freezer with turkey upon turkey. All the turkeys on top were 20 pounds. Now you might think that that would be fine. Oh no, not for me. I was hell bent on finding the biggest turkey in the freezer. 20 pounds --nope 21 pounds --nope. I kept searching. Success at last! I found a turkey that weighed 23.99 pounds.
And that bird was heavy. But I am confident I got the biggest one that had. So I only paid $.20 a pound.
As I was boasting about my victory, a friend (or should I say acquaintance) said, “Oh I can’t believe that you actually went to Safeway and rummaged for a turkey. Not you, you’re Tiffany James.” And? Well I couldn’t stop myself so my rather cryptic sense of humor decided to display itself in full force.
I answered, “Oh you’re right. I was just fibbing. I actually brought a staff with me --a chauffer, a chef, and three assistants --one to push the cart, one to grab the groceries and one to fan me to keep me cool.
“ Yes”, I continued, “if you’ve been on the Lifestyles of the Rich and Famous, you must always act like a Rich and Famous.”
You know what she said? “I knew you were joking about Safeway.”
Seriously, do some people not get it. I really enjoy some of the luxuries that I can afford. I feel blessed that through hard work, perseverance and a vision, that I have been able to create a lifestyle that is really wonderful. And I feel even more grateful, that UCW has done so for thousands of families.
I may not be “normal” in a lot of ways, but when it comes to basic living, WJJ and I are about as normal as you can find. While mediocrity is unacceptable to me --normalcy is quite appealing.
So don’t call me beige, don’t call me average--but please, call me normal.
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