As the cold weather arrives across North America – we’re all getting ready to spend more time indoors. So, if we have to be stuck indoors, we might as well make it fun! So let’s start decorating your bedroom to ensure that it is “Romance Friendly” and compatible to both of you.
The very first thing we want to do is look at the colors in your bedroom
Try to use only “man friendly” colors like Deep Green, Gold, Brown, Black, Burgundy, Navy or even plain old dark beige. Stay away from any prints on your bedspread. Once you’ve got the basic color, you can add your pretty pastels and prints via throw pillows, draperies and even accent pieces. If your bedspread is plain Burgundy, then you can add some pink throw pillows as well floral pink, green and burgundy floral patterned ones as well.
I don’t think most women want mirrors on the ceiling, but if the room permits you may want to have a large mirrored wall behind the bed. It will certainly make him happy, but it will also make your room look larger. No, it won’t make him look larger but it will help the room. If the room is not conducive to a mirrored wall, make sure you get a full length standing mirror. When company visits, it will appear to be a decorative. Plus it will be useful to use when dressing. Truth be known, you’ll later discover just how important it is when making love.
If you love candles- put them on display. Get the large bulky candles in any color you wish. You can live dangerously and even get pastel pink, green or blue. But make it bulky –remember it’s bedroom trickery. Again, you are combining masculinity, sensuality and femininity. Make sure you keep an UndercoverWear Soy Candle close to the bed. That’s not about decoration, that’s about pleasure.
Make sure the bedroom is clean and neat. This is more for YOUR benefit than his. For some reason, your sense of romance turns off quite quickly when you are looking at his pile of dirty clothes with his underwear and socks on top.
Now let’s go over some some basic “do’s and don’ts for decorating the Bedroom:
Don’t have your collection of “Precious Moments” or figurines on display. Way too cute and sweet. If you’re going to collect something, try things like miniature high heels or “sexy” perfume bottles. Most men will not mind that display.
Do display a great “couple” photo of the two of you. Make sure he looks especially handsome. And don’t put the wedding photo in plain sight of the bed. In fact, you should probably keep it out of the bedroom completely. You don’t need to see the two of you 20 years younger and 20 pounds thinner.
Do have a nice chair or valet stand for him to place his clothes. If you don’t know what a valet stand –it is a “manly” piece of furniture that will allow him to hang his shirt and pants in a convenient way.
Do have a radio or CD player near the bed and put on romantic sexy music.
Do get a set of sheets with matching pillowcases and have them monogrammed. This is a really inexpensive way to make the bed “feel” special. Use the initial of your married last name as the center with the first name initials on either side This reinforces HIS ego. Amazing how much thought has to go into this, isn’t it? Or if you prefer, you can monogram your first names on the pillowcase. That’s just plain old cute.
Do buy some unusual sexy HOT fabrics. Consider red, purple, hot pink, or any animal print. (No, they don’t have to actually match the bedroom décor. And you don’t have to hem them. You will only use them for your Bedroom Magic Nights.) I assure you, Martha Stewart will not be conducting a “spot check” on your bedroom that evening.
Do make sure your fabrics are machine washable so you can use them again. (Okay that’s the practical, thrifty side of me.)
Don’t keep your personal things like hairbrushes, combs etc in the bedroom.
Don’t keep family photos in the bedroom. When he’s on top of you making mad passionate love, and he looks down, he doesn’t want to see the kids, the grandkids, or even worse a photo of your parents staring at him.
Don’t put the TV on during your nights of romance. In fact if at all possible, don’t even have a TV in the bedroom. We always had a TV in the bedroom until recently. Guess what, we actually tend to “talk” a bit before going to sleep. Talking not watching TV, now there’s a novel idea. By the way, the same thing goes for your computer. All of those are my favorites “technology taboo’s” in the bedroom.
If your bedroom screams out “Victorian” and your man hasn’t complained, then for the time being leave it that way. But, go to a fabric store and buy those unusual HOT fabrics to create a more sensuous environment.
While your splurging on sexy bedroom accessories, think about a sexy rug. You know the same colors as your HOT fabrics. The good thing about a rug is you can roll it up and put in away when company arrives. Again, this is not meant as a decorative accessory –this is only for your Bedroom Magic nights.
So those are some of the basic Do’s and Don’ts. If you’re now saying, “Do I have to completely change my bedroom? I don’t have the time or money or inclination to do so.” Stop right now. This is not supposed to be a chore. These are simply steps to help your relationship and equally important -your sex life.
The bottom line to all of this is, when it comes to decorating the bedroom, this is not the time to sing, “ I did it my way”. Think compatibility. While your husband may very well be oblivious to the current décor in your bedroom, let me tell you when that leopard fabric suddenly appears on the bed and the kids photos are gone and the computer has been removed, he will get the message that your bedroom is no longer just another boring room. It will take on a whole new personality of it’s own. And that personality includes fun, passion and excitement .